
Recent Events:Audio/Video *UPDATED*

In Uncategorized on May 7, 2011 at 10:03 am

UC Berkeley Center for Latin American Studies: Baltasar Garzon: “Universal Jurisdiction and International Justice: An Inseperable Reality?” Event info

Audio for the event below is available here.

ISS:Can Human Rights Regulate Modern Conflict?


The regulation of the conduct of warfare has been traditionally the preserve of international humanitarian law, but in a growing number of cases international and domestic courts have applied human rights law to situations of armed conflict. This jurisprudence builds on the principle, repeatedly stated by the International Court of Justice, that human rights do not cease in wartime. Is there a tension between the traditional regulation of armed conflict under international humanitarian law and human rights? What difficulties and risks does the application of human rights to warfare pose? More generally, is this development really to be welcome? Or is it an example of ‘human rightism’, the unreflecting and confused ideology that sees human rights as a solution to everything?

Short bio

Dr Guglielmo Verdirame will soon be joining King’s College London as Professor of International Law, appointed by both the Department of War Studies and the School of Law. He is currently a University Lecturer at the University of Cambridge and Fellow of the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law. He is the author, with Barbara Harrell-Bond, of Rights in Exile: Janus-Faced Humanitarianism (2005, Berghahn) – “a damning exposé of protection failures of those most responsible for safeguarding refugee rights: the host countries of asylum, contracting NGOs and the UNHCR” (International Journal of Refugee Law). His next major work, The UN and Human Rights: Who Guards the Guardians? (Cambridge University Press), will be published in June 2011.He has been in practice at the Bar, based at 20 Essex Street chambers, since 2007. He is a trustee of two charities involved in the advancement of human rights through law: the Africa and Middle East Refugee Assistance and the Human Dignity Trust.

Video for the event below is available here

DUKE LAW:National Security since 9/11: New Norms for a New Decade?

The years since 9/11 have produced remarkable developments in national security law and policy. These developments are ongoing, and in their evolution novel issues continue to arise. These issues, which include indefinite detention of terrorists, information security, armed drones, airport security, and the protection of privacy in the cyber era all illustrate the tensions between the needs of security in an era of asymmetrical threats and the preservation of civil liberties and other interests in a democratic society. Additionally, dealing with these threats raises new and complicated challenges with respect to civil-military relations.

Using a format of six panels and three meal speakers, our conference will be examining these issues and a number of other security issues of the new decade. To do this, we have assembled a prestigious group of scholars, policymakers and commentators who will take an interdisciplinary approach to all these issues from both a legal and a policy perspective.


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